July 17, 2024
Greetings Hornet Family,
I am truly grateful to all my Hornet supporters who placed their vote of confidence for me to remain as president of the Fairmont Heights Alumni Association (FHHSAA). I am excited to welcome our newly elected officers to the Executive Committee; Wendy Haskins Pierce, Chaplain and Diane Sharp, Secretary and Chantel Haskins Gandy, Media Specialist. During this election cycle, we registered approximately 69 new members as well as a record number of members that voted which is astonishing!
As I enter my second term as President of the FHHSAA, my goal is to strengthen our organization to support the school and its legacy, by increasing Hornet pride, school sustainability, transparency and integrity of our Association. Accomplishing these goals will protect the legacy, organizational strength and viability of both the school and the Alumni Association. While I am looking forward to the future, I would like take this opportunity to highlight our past accomplishments and successes. After much deliberation, we collaborated with the County Executive’s office to ensure that the historic school building was transferred from Prince George’s County School Board to the County; funding in the amount of $5 million was appropriated for repurposing which funded securing the perimeter of the building. Since the opening of the new school, with the direct involvement of the Alumni Association the football, baseball and softball scoreboards were installed after several years of not having them. We had two very successful and important events; the Fairmont Finest Awards Ceremony and the Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. Both events allowed us to highlight the accomplishments and contributions of individuals who were instrumental in the legacy of our Alma Mater. However, there is still much work to be done! These are a few of the priority items that the Executive Committee has placed its focus:
For our current members as well as prospective members I would like to ensure you that my attention and the Executive Committee’s is to assure the continued growth of the Alumni Association. We encourage members to become involved and be a part of the success. To remain updated with current events of our proud alumni community, visit the website frequently for meeting dates, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, alumni resources and other ways to become involved.
Again, I am grateful for your continued enthusiasm, participation, dedication and commitment to our beloved alma mater, the great Fairmont Heights High School!
Best Regards,
Joan Kelly Crowder
President, Class of 1968